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Free Webinar: Recession-Proof Your Aesthetics Business with Virtual Consultations

28th April 2020


Kris Trinity, Founder of Aesthetics Marketing Institute – “This webinar will empower you to take control of your online marketing and help you to be resourceful and resilient during this challenging time.”

It’s time to adapt and think outside the box, bringing you short term and long term benefits.


How Can You ‘Recession-Proof’ Your Business?

By going virtual.

Don’t stop providing value to your target audience who still need your help.

Understand your customer’s needs, wants, goals and desires and build the relationship and rapport online. 

Consider Your NEW Customer Journey:

  1. Customer finds you online.
  2. They have a virtual consultation with you.
  3. They pay you for your services.

How Introducing Virtual Consultations Can Help Your Business

Make your business safe, easy, quick and effective with virtual consultations.

This technique is a fantastic opportunity to grow your business:

  • Increase your conversion rate for many enquiries by connecting with your potential customers and add a personal touch. 
  • Regardless of the current circumstances, your customers still want to feel good about themselves. Take this opportunity to boost your revenue.
  • You can increase the chance of converting a potential customer in the future for treatments that require face-to-face interaction, 
  • You can spend more time with your potential customer, building rapport and discussing how you can help them.

Virtual Consultation Steps 

  1. Create a specific offer that will solve a specific problem.
  2. Set up an appointment system.
  3. Reach out to existing clients.
  4. Generate new customer opportunities. 
  5. Create your consultation script.
  6. Set up a consultation presentation and walk your customers through it.

Your Offer 

What are you going to offer your client base? 

  • Look at your best-sellers this time last year and focus on selling those.
  • Skincare packages.
  • Offer an incentive to existing services before your business reopens.
  • Offer a complimentary treatment or additional value.  

Set Up Your Appointment System 

Keep it simple…

  • Calendly – a calendar system where people can book themselves into a call or consultation. 
  • Zoom – conduct your video consultations using presentations. You can record your meetings for free to self-analyse and continuously improve.

Contact Existing Customers

Send 5-10 short and concise emails to your existing customer base letting them know about your new offer. 

  • Talk about what problem you can solve.
  • Talk about what’s included.
  • Talk about how it works.
  • Talk about how they can book it.
  • Add a limitation of spaces as an incentive to entice people to book in.
  • Always include a call to action at the end of an email.

Generate NEW Customers 

Advertise on Facebook and Instagram.

Facebook is the fastest and most cost-effective way to get in front of your ideal customer:

  • 2 billion active users on Facebook.
  • 41 million users in the UK.
  • The average user spends 43 minutes a day on Facebook (this has increased dramatically during this time).
  • The smartphone has replaced the TV for entertainment purposes. People spend most of their time on social media.
  • Facebook has tons of data about your target audience including demographics and interests.
  • Start with a budget of around £120 a week using Facebook and Instagram. 
  • You can target ads specifically to your target audience on Facebook. For example, gender, age, location, employment + so much more.
  • When you first start, you should focus on age, gender and location. Keep it simple.
  • Target 5-10 miles from where your business is located.

Create a Consultation Script

Outline a structure to help the conversations to flow.

  • Thank them for joining you and set the agenda.
  • Let them know that at the end of the conversation, you will put forward some solutions that fit their requirements that they can purchase if they want to. 
  • Find out their goals and what they want to achieve. Find out what products they are currently using and what treatments they have had in the past. Talk about what you can do to help them.
  • Understand their needs, wants, goals and desires. Take the time to build rapport and get to know them.
  • Confirm if they need help now, or in the future.
  • Recap and commit. Take notes on everything the customer is saying to you.
  • Explain the next steps using your consultation presentation. Walk them through what your solution is. Tell them how they can get started with you.
  • Close the consultation. Ask if they want to purchase today and if this is a good fit for them. 

Create a Consultation Presentation

  1. Talk about your clinic.
  2. Talk about yourself and your expertise.
  3. Talk about and demonstrate success stories. Your best selling tool is storytelling. 
  4. Talk about the products you have chosen to use and why.
  5. Talk about specific problems or concerns that the person is struggling with.
  6. Present your solution. 
  7. Talk about pricing, what’s included and how they can get started.

Create a Follow-Up Process 

Consider the customer lifetime value. This is the amount of money a single customer will spend with you over a specific period of time.

Increase this by selling more frequently to existing customers and sell them a different treatment to the one they are already having. 

For example, if you have treated a customer for thread vessels you could upsell to an illumiFacial treatment. 

  • Check-in with them.
  • Send email follow-ups, ask them how they are getting on and ask if they are enjoying using their products. 
  • Offer monthly virtual consultations. 
  • Automate processes as much as possible.

Press Features

Aesthetics Journal 


Expansion of Premises to Facilitate Entry into Export Markets

To facilitate its entry into new export markets, Lynton Lasers Ltd required increased manufacturing space, as well as new demonstration and training facilities. To this end, LEADER Funding was applied for, and won, to support the refurbishment of an adjacent business unit (Unit 9d) as well as the re-arrangement and refurbishment of the existing business unit (Unit 6) on Holmes Chapel Business Park.

This Project was part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

Lynton House, Manor Lane, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 8AF

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Lynton Lasers Ltd is registered in England and Wales Reg. 2956199
Registered Office: Manor Lane, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 8AF

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