Following the success of the Inaugural “Dancing with Heroes” Ball in 2018, Lynton is proud to be supporting this year’s event on Saturday 23rd November 2019 at The London Hilton Hotel in Park Lane at 7pm. This annual event is held to raise funds for the Back on Track charity, founded by Dr. Aamer Khan and Lesley Reynolds of The Harley Street Clinic. As a valued Lynton customer, Dr Khan has been working with the Deka SmartXide CO2 for many years and dedicates much of his time to treating injured servicemen and women. Using the SmartXide, Dr. Khan helps veterans regain their confidence following horrific injuries and scarring.
The Back on Track charity holds a variety of events throughout the year from charity balls to go-karting events, all have been a huge success and a lot of fun for everyone involved, particularly for the veterans. Plus, all these events raise funds to help more servicemen and women during their post-injury recovery.
‘Back on Track is everything you want a military charity to be.’ Pete Hobbs, Formerly of the Royal Engineers – Back on Track Beneficiary
This year, Lynton Lasers is proud to be supporting the Back on Track Dancing with Heroes Charity Ball 2019. Not only that, but Lynton is also proud to be supporting the Harley Street Clinic in their work with the Deka SmartXide Touch which they use to improve veterans’ lives. The Harley Skin Clinic uses the Smartxide Touch on facial scars and burns suffered by those fighting in the armed forces. As the UK distributor for DEKA, Lynton Lasers are proud to support such an amazing cause and witness the remarkable results achieved with this Laser.
The Deka Smartxide Touch works by emitting laser light in a pixelated fashion into the skin creating small columns of thermal injury to the epidermis and dermis. This small amount of thermal damage to the skin tissue stimulates the process of collagen remodelling and promotes elastic tissue formation.
Courtesy of Prof.N.Zerbinati, Varese- Italy
Case Studies
Formerly of the Royal Anglian Regimen
Mark was on his first tour of Afghanistan in 2010 when his patrol hit an Improvised Explosive Device. He lost both legs along with digits from each hand and had severe scarring to his face and neck. Mark was 19. He was in hospital for seven weeks and is in a wheelchair to this day. The Back on Track Charity have supported Mark through his rehabilitation by providing SmartXide Laser Treatment to repair his damaged skin.
Former Captain of the Royal Engineers
Luke was injured in 2010 while working as a Royal Engineer Search Adviser in Afghanistan. Whilst on patrol an explosion from an IED took both of his legs above the knee and caused severe damage to both his arms. Luke has recovered from injury through the use of Sport and has represented his Country in Athletics both for Great Britain and the Armed Forces team at the Invictus Games. Luke is also part of the Veterans Gateway and is working to make support for veterans better and easier to access.
The Back on Track Charity have provided Luke with SmartXide Laser Treatment to repair his scars and burns. This treatment rejuvenates and resurfaces the skin, making the surface smoother and subsequently his scars looser and more comfortable.
Be a hero yourself and come and dance with our Heroes.
At the event there will be live entertainment from special guests, Peter Andre, Beverley Knight, Cassidy Janson and Darius Campbell. There will also be champagne, delicious food and wine and ‘money-can’t buy’ auction prizes…
Come join us and dance the night away with our heroes- the service personnel who have been injured whilst fighting for our country. All funds raised will go towards medical, emotional, psychological and other support for them.
To purchase a ticket or for further information contact Dee at 07768351923 or email: dee@backontrack.lonon
Further Information
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