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Lynton Featured in The Guardian 2017

6th April 2017

More National Coverage for Lynton…

If you purchased The Guardian this Saturday (28.1.2017), you would have seen the excellent article put together by journalist Candice Pires, talking tattoo regret and the different options available to get them removed. As the UK’s leading laser & IPL manufacturer and with our close ties to the BMLA (British Medical Laser Association), Candice approached Lynton about contributing to the article with our expert knowledge and experience in the field.

The article provides a real insight into real people’s emotions attributed to having ‘tattoo regret’ and the subsequent relief of having them removed. Take a read below:


Lying back on a reclining bed, eyes fixed on the ceiling, Dave Fitzpatrick, 42, wiggles his bare toes out of the bottom of his trousers and braces himself for pain. He’s been in this position before, twice; but this time, he’s heard, it will be worse. Thirteen years after first getting tattoos on his feet, he’s about to have them removed. Fitzpatrick is a tall, broad former skater with a neat, grey-flecked beard – he looks as if he can take it, but it’s hard not to want to comfort him.

Standing over his toes, laser in hand, is tanned, floppy-haired Dr Garrett Vangelisti, 44. The room is not a conventional clinic: exposed brick and beams, bits of moss in glass apothecary jars, a copy of Easy Edible Gardening magazine for clients to read. There is a framed certificate on the wall bearing the words American Board of Plastic Surgery MD. A large machine hums, beeps and makes a pop as the laser beam hits Fitzpatrick’s skin. In between winces, and with his arm covering his face, he gets out the sentence: “Getting them tattooed really sucked.” Getting them removed doesn’t look like much fun, either.

Read Entire Article Here


Expansion of Premises to Facilitate Entry into Export Markets

To facilitate its entry into new export markets, Lynton Lasers Ltd required increased manufacturing space, as well as new demonstration and training facilities. To this end, LEADER Funding was applied for, and won, to support the refurbishment of an adjacent business unit (Unit 9d) as well as the re-arrangement and refurbishment of the existing business unit (Unit 6) on Holmes Chapel Business Park.

This Project was part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

Lynton House, Manor Lane, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 8AF

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