Women are most commonly affected by cellulite due to the structure and anatomy of their subcutaneous septa compared to men. Particularly in women, fibrous septa are usually oriented, perpendicularly to the skin surface, creating large rectangular fat lobules.
Clinically, cellulite shows off with a surface relief alteration resulting in depression and raised areas leading to an irregular appearance, such as dimpled, orange peel, cottage cheese or mattress-like appearance of the area of interest, typically located over the thighs and buttocks but also on the legs, arms and abdomen.
Cellulite is a major aesthetic concern affecting approximately 90% of post-pubertal women worldwide. Numerous invasive and non-invasive treatments have been proposed, with variable efficacy. The objective of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a new microwaves platform, ONDA Coolwaves™ in the treatment of cellulite in the areas of the buttocks and posterior thighs.
Patients with cellulite on the buttocks and posterior thighs were enrolled in two Italian Centers. The treatment protocol consisted of 4 sessions of the ONDA Coolwaves™ at intervals of 30 days. Clinical evaluations and standardized digital photographs were performed before the first treatment, at 4 and at 8 weeks after the last treatment. To assess the severity of cellulite the cellulite severity scale was used.
Read Full Journal Article Here
Dr Khan, Co-Founder of the Harley Street Skin Clinic has been impressed with the ONDA. Dr Khan qualified in 2006 and has been dealing with skin conditions and aesthetic treatments ever since. He had an interest in this industry for a long time, so decided to start a clinic. The clinic has a wealth of experience, seeing between 3000-4000 patients a year and The Harley Street Skin Clinic has been around for since 2006. Dr Khan has seen a great increase in the requests for non-surgical body sculpting over the past few years.
“We first heard about the ONDA at a medical conference. Since starting to use the ONDA. That means we have carried out about 1000 treatments which has meant there is a lot of data to look at. Patients are happy with the outcomes. We have a lot of celebrity patients due to them not wanting long-periods of downtime with busy schedules. They are very happy with the treatment”.
“I like all three of the functions that the ONDA tends to offer, I like the fact that it is an effective cellulite reduction technology and there is no other technology that does the same non-surgically. We offer treatment to men and women and are seeing good results with both. Clearly women have cellulite more prevalently than men, however, with the ageing process of men there is estrogenization and we are seeing skin similar to cellulite. Men are benefiting from this treatment as well. Patient safety is a priority, and what we find with the ONDA is that we can be rest assured that it is one of the safest treatments we can offer our patients, especially when it is related to tissue damage, to burns and to adverse outcomes”.
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