In the current economic climate, businesses and clients alike simply do not have money to waste. This is an unavoidable fact, one that clinics across the country have been coming to terms with in recent months. Now, more than ever, as we head into 2023, practitioners need to consider what they choose to add to their clinics very carefully. Luckily, at Lynton, a number of our devices are capable of delivering several treatment options, which is good news for everyone!
By investing in fewer devices with excellent and varied treatment capabilities, you can keep initial costs low whilst increasing your ROI. Read on to learn more about our devices and how you can use them in your clinic.
Focus Dual®
Is Focus Dual® at the top of your wish list for 2023? It should be! With unrivalled levels of patient satisfaction and worldwide acclaim from practitioners and celebrity clients alike, this device is capable of completely transforming your clinic’s reputation. Why is it so popular?
Well, the Focus Dual® combines two gold-standard technologies to lift, firm and tighten the skin – RF Microneedling and High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). When combined, these techniques produce truly amazing results, offering never before seen skin rejuvenation. The following concerns can also be treated:
• Lax skin
• Sagging eyelids
• Wrinkles
• Scarring (acne and traumatic)
• Eye bags
• And much more!
As previously mentioned, several devices from Lynton are multi-functional and EXCELIGHT® is no exception. This compact machine is capable of delivering several different types of treatments:
- Vascular lesion removal
- Pigmentation removal
- The illumiFacial®
- Permanent hair reduction
- And more!
EXCELIGHT® allows practitioners to perform over 10 different procedures with two highly effective IPL handpieces. One of the most incredible offerings you can add to your clinic’s treatment portfolio is undoubtedly our illumiFacial®. Known within the industry as the next generation of ‘photofacial’ treatment, this facial will be sure to reinvigorate your patient’s skin and leave them keen to schedule top-up treatments, thus increasing your ROI even further.
ONDA is a revolutionary device that has become synonymous with the phrases ‘body contouring’ and ‘fat reduction’, more so after it was named the ‘Number 1 Treatment for A Dimple Free Derriere’ in Tatler’s Cosmetic Surgery Guide. It’s capable of toning the body, tightening lax skin and reducing both fat and cellulite.
Part of ONDA’s success lies in the fact that it uses Coolwaves™. These are controlled microwaves, which have been created by our team that have the ability to pass over the top layers of the skin, allowing them to reach subcutaneous fat cells with ease. They even possess the ability to trigger the body’s fat removal process, meaning that cellulite removal is easier than ever. As the top layers of the skin remain unaffected by the treatment process, downtime is drastically reduced.
As well as performing several functions, minimally invasive procedures are becoming increasingly popular amongst patients, particularly those concerned by the rising cost of living. However, being able to offer reliable procedures that deliver visible, consistent results will always be business-critical for all clinics.
Get In Touch With Us Today
If you want to learn more about our devices, the Lynton team is here to help. We will let you know which of our devices will best suit your clinic and guide you through the purchasing process. To contact us, email info@lynton.co.uk or call 01477 536 977. You can also visit our website for more information and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.