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Skin Tightening

Professional non-invasive skin tightening machines

ProMax Lipo skin tightening machine

'Pain-free' and highly profitable, our professional skin tightening machines deliver safe and clinically proven technology with fast treatment times with no downtime. 

As non-invasive aesthetic treatments have become more advanced and more accessible to consumers, the UK demand for skin tightening treatments is flourishing.

At Lynton we have a range of skin tightening machines available for you to add to your clinic portfolio.

Our dedicated experts are available to help you choose the ideal skin tightening machine for your business and provide expert training and support to ensure that your investment is a business success.


ProMax Lipo skin tightening machine

The 3JUVE® is a versatile anti-ageing system, combining three highly effective skin rejuvenation technologies in one system. The Remodel handpiece delivers Radiofrequency technology which leads to subtle skin lifting and facial skin tightening for younger-looking skin.

Recently crowned in TATLER’s Cosmetic Surgery Guide as the “Number 1 Treatment for A Dimple Free Derriere”, the ONDA COOLWAVES by DEKA is a revolutionary new cellulite reduction machine using controlled Microwave delivery that results in a 3 in 1 effect, achieving long-lasting results for fat reduction, cellulite treatment and skin tightening with no downtime following treatment.

The PROMAX LIPO utilises a powerful combination of three market-leading technologies for instant inch loss, dramatic cellulite reduction and now the industry-renowned ‘instant, non-invasive face-lift’. You can deliver highly profitable, instant results for anti-ageing and skin tightening with minimal discomfort.

Skin Tightening Machine Videos


How do ONDA Coolwaves™ work?

Microwaves are part of the large family of electromagnetic waves [frequency range: 1 – 300 GHz]. Today they are common in many fields of everyday life including the medical field, for diagnostic or treatment purposes. However, not all microwaves are the same. No other device emits microwaves in the same way as the ONDA system’s smart handpieces! Microwaves lead the molecules absorbing them to oscillate and vibrate, thus heating up the medium that contains the molecules.

The ONDA system handpieces generate microwaves at 2.45 GHz, a frequency that is preferentially absorbed by fat molecules rather than by water molecules. The conductivity of the epidermis and the dermis, which contain plenty of water but not fat, is therefore much greater than the hypodermis’ one. Therefore, when the Coolwaves™ penetrate the skin, they pass straight through the top layers without overheating them (using about 20% of the energy from the microwaves), while they concentrate their effective action on the subcutaneous fat that highly absorbs them (about 80% of the energy).

By contrast, traditional radio frequency systems (frequency range 0.1 – 40 MHz) act only on the surface since highly absorbed by water molecules. This means that they not only fail to penetrate deep into the body to treat fat, but they also risk to damage the skin.

Case Study

How does the ONDA Coolwaves™ treatment feel?

ONDA treatment is virtually painless. Due to the skin presenting less resistance to high MW frequencies, Coolwaves™ are able to pass through the skin more readily than other technologies, focusing energy only where it is needed (for example in the subcutaneous adipose tissue in the event of localised fat deposits). This then results in less heating and discomfort on the skin.  

Thermographic image of ex-vivo tissue treated with the ONDA handpiece v bipolar radiofrequency.

How long does a 3JUVE treatment take?

A typical 3JUVE treatment takes approximately 1 hour, improvement is evident after the first session, but for optimal results, 3 to 5 treatment sessions are often advised. Treatment is carried out every 2 to 6 weeks depending upon the level of rejuvenation required.

How long does the ONDA Coolwaves™ treatment take?

ONDA treatment is a very quick and easy procedure to deliver with treatment times varying depending on area size.

To help put treatment times into perspective, the ONDA device is capable of treating a typical abdomen in 10 – 20 minutes. 

What can the DYNAMIX® system treat?

The DYNAMIX®’s advanced medical-grade laser and IPL machine gives you the versatility to offer offers over 30 different treatments, including

and much more…..

What can you treat with the ProMax Lipo?

The ProMax is designed to reduce the appearance of cellulite, give instant inch loss and tighten the skin. Treatments include; inch loss, body shaping, cellulite reduction, lymphatic drainage, eye and neck lifting, skin tightening and wrinkle reduction.

What comes with the ProMax Lipo package?

With the purchase of the ProMax you receive both clinical training and technical support. Our expert team of Physicists, Medical Practitioners and Clinicians are on hand to provide you with a superb clinical support network. Our expert in-house trainers ensure that you receive the most comprehensive specialist training available by offering free-of-charge initial training at your own premises.

You will receive 12 months warranty on your machine as well as support from our engineers who offer a guaranteed 48-hour response, in addition to standard scheduled maintenance visits. A repair or replacement service is also available along with a wide variety of Lynton service cover options.

What should I expect before a 3JUVE treatment?

All 3JUVE® treatments start with an advanced consultation to determine your specific goals. The treatment can then be tailored to your individual skin depending on your main concerns. Whether you are concerned with discolouration, loss of firmness or lines and wrinkles the 3JUVE® procedure can be customised to ensure the best possible results for your skin.

See below Lynton's clinically proven solutions

LUMINA® – Professional Laser and IPL Machine

LUMINA® – Professional Laser and IPL Machine

The award-winning Lynton LUMINA® is our most popular laser and IPL machine due to its unique ability to combine multiple technologies in one, stand-alone aesthetic machine. The LUMINA® saves space in your clinic room and enables you to deliver over 24 aesthetic treatments, such as professional laser and IPL hair removal, laser tattoo removal, pigmentation removal and much more.

AGAIN – Fastest High-Power Alexandrite and Nd:YAG Laser

AGAIN – Fastest High-Power Alexandrite and Nd:YAG Laser

DEKA has done it AGAIN! With a 30mm spot size and the highest power available on the market; AGAIN is the fastest high-powered laser for hair removal, vascular lesions, pigmentation, and skin tightening.

Motus Pro – Pain-Free Alexandrite and Nd:YAG Laser by DEKA

Motus Pro – Pain-Free Alexandrite and Nd:YAG Laser by DEKA

The new Motus Pro by DEKA is the first Alexandrite Laser in the world that is able to deliver 'pain-free' laser hair removal treatments on all skin types using unique Moveo technology. This multi-application system comes with an Nd:YAG laser for laser hair removal and treating deep leg vessels.

ONDA Coolwaves™ – Non-Surgical Body Sculpting Machine

ONDA Coolwaves™ – Non-Surgical Body Sculpting Machine

The ONDA Coolwaves™ is the worlds first and only device to use the revolutionary new Microwave technology: Coolwaves™ by DEKA. Coolwaves™ offer a triple action, non-surgical body sculpting effect on fat reduction, cellulite and skin laxity. There is no other device on the market that can treat cellulite as effectively as the ONDA.

SmartPICO – Ultimate Skin Rejuvenation Nd:YAG Laser by DEKA

SmartPICO – Ultimate Skin Rejuvenation Nd:YAG Laser by DEKA

SmartPICO by DEKA is one of the most flexible laser devices on the market for the effective treatment of a wide variety of skin concerns with minimal complications.

ProMax LIPO – Non-Surgical Liposuction and Skin Tightening Machine

ProMax LIPO – Non-Surgical Liposuction and Skin Tightening Machine

The ProMax Lipo utilises a powerful combination of three market-leading technologies for instant inch loss, dramatic cellulite reduction and now the industry-renowned ‘instant, non-invasive face-lift’.

Focus Dual® – Professional RF Microneedling Machine with HIFU Technology

Focus Dual® – Professional RF Microneedling Machine with HIFU Technology

Focus Dual offers a unique combination of two of the latest clinically proven technologies for face and body treatments. Radiofrequency Microneedling (RFM) and High Intensity Focussed Ultrasound (HIFU) come together to give maximum results for retexturising and lifting the skin.

Latest Courses

Course Title

Core Of Knowledge in conjunction with the University Of Manchester

Who it's for
  • Those wanting to keep up to date with the latest laser technologies, protocols, and regulations
  • Those starting in laser and intense pulsed light treatments
  • Those who want to know more about the health and safety of lasers to qualify for insurance

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28April2025 Access to Aesthetics
Course Title

VTCT (ITEC) Level 3 Certificate in Access to Aesthetic Therapies

Who it's for
  • Those who want a formal qualification and do not have a beauty or medical background
  • Those who want to learn about anatomical structures and the physiological function of the body systems

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Course Title

VTCT Level 4 Core Of Knowledge Qualification in conjunction with the University Of Manchester

Who it's for
  • Those wanting to keep up to date with the latest laser technologies, protocols, and regulations
  • Those starting in laser and intense pulsed light treatments
  • Those who want to know more about the health and safety of lasers to qualify for insurance

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Motus Pro Laser News

10th Feb 2023 - Motus Pro, Press

Your Guide to Laser Hair Removal for Dark Skin, Fair Skin, and Everyone In Between

The DEKA Motus alexandrite laser was recently featured in RealSelf News, in an article about choosing the best laser hair removal device for your skin. When delivering hair removal treatments... Read more

16th Jun 2022 - Blog, AGAIN, Motus Pro

Why MOVEO Technology Is The Superior Choice For Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has become increasingly popular in recent years and thanks to our partners, DEKA, it’s become easier and less painful than ever for people to ditch their unwanted... Read more

10th Jun 2022 - Blog, Products, AGAIN, CoolPeel, EPN Pen, Focus Dual, illumiFacial, LUMINA, Motus Pro, ONDA Coolwaves, ProMax Lipo, ResurFACE, Skincare, SmartXide, Business Support, DYNAMIX®, MonaLisa Touch, SmartPico

Our Marketing, Clinical And Technical Support Tools 

Lynton’s marketing, clinical and technical after-sales network, which includes a range of support tools, is the largest of its kind in the UK. As a result of this, we’re able... Read more


Expansion of Premises to Facilitate Entry into Export Markets

To facilitate its entry into new export markets, Lynton Lasers Ltd required increased manufacturing space, as well as new demonstration and training facilities. To this end, LEADER Funding was applied for, and won, to support the refurbishment of an adjacent business unit (Unit 9d) as well as the re-arrangement and refurbishment of the existing business unit (Unit 6) on Holmes Chapel Business Park.

This Project was part funded by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

Lynton House, Manor Lane, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 8AF

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Lynton Lasers Ltd is registered in England and Wales Reg. 2956199
Registered Office: Manor Lane, Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 8AF

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